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Помер Тім Келлер, пастор Нью-Йорка
Він практикував «привабливе» свідчення про Христа й постійно нагадував представникам культурної еліти країни про те, що вони поклоняються фальшивим богам.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 44|33min
Jesus Encounters Us in Scripture
Listener questions on the resurrection, biblical interpretation, and theological differences in marriage.
Tim Keller and Beth Moore, On and Off the Stage
Both leaders have huge followings. But how well do we really know them?
Tim Keller Calls on God’s ‘Providential Oversight’ Amid Treatment for New Tumors
Three years into his pancreatic cancer diagnosis, the New York pastor will undergo immunotherapy again.
TGC’s Keller Center Is for Apologists Without All the Answers
Executive director Collin Hansen: In a post-Christian context, the church is challenged to collaborate—and humbly pray—for new strategies in its witness.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 33|41min
Best of Books 2022
Russell and producer Ashley Hales talk all things reading.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 27|50min
Tim Keller Says Forgiveness Is Key to Christian Witness
How to let go of resentment without sacrificing justice.
What’s Wrong with Winsomeness?
The fruit of the Spirit still apply in a hostile culture.
The Rise and Fall of Mars HillEpisode 16|1 hr 2min
Bonus Episode: A Conversation with Tim Keller
Mike Cosper sits down with Tim Keller for reflections on leadership, the trouble with networks, and the essential need for communion with God.
The Brand
The internet and new gospel partnerships fueled church growth in the early 2000s, but bigger isn’t always better.
CultivatedEpisode 5|32min
Rich Lowry on Where Conservatism Goes From Here
Donald Trump transformed conservative and evangelical politics. What comes next?
Redeeming Condos, Presbyterians Buy NYC Building for $30 Million
The church Tim Keller founded is part of a hidden trend turning real estate into worship space.
Tim Keller demande que l'on prie pour lui alors qu'il est atteint d'un cancer du pancréas
Le pasteur et auteur de New York a annoncé son diagnostic dimanche dernier et commence la chimio, la semaine prochaine.
Tim Keller Memohon Doa-Doa Untuk Kesembuhan Kanker Pankreas
Pendeta dan penulis yang tinggal di New York mengumumkan hasil diagnosisnya hari Minggu dan mulai menjalani kemo minggu depan.
팀 켈러 목사의 췌장암 투병을 위한 기도 요청
지난 주일에 뉴욕의 목사이자 저자인 팀 켈러가 다음주부터 항암치료를 시작한다고 투병 소식을 알렸다.
Tim Keller pede orações por ter câncer de pâncreas
O pastor e autor de Nova York anunciou seu diagnóstico no domingo passado e começa a quimioterapia na próxima semana.
Tim Keller pide oraciones por cáncer de páncreas
El pastor y autor de Nueva York anunció su diagnóstico el domingo y comenzará sesiones de quimioterapia la próxima semana.
Tim Keller Asks for Prayers for Pancreatic Cancer
The New York pastor and author announced his diagnosis Sunday and begins chemo next week.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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